Philosophy and Aims

Vision of Iwate University and its Objectives for Education, Research and Contributions to the Community


As an academic institution whose members are in pursuit of the truth, we are continually refining our academic culture by providing talented men and women a high level of expertise and a rich education. At the same time, Iwate University opens its door to the local community and through its achievements in research seeks to contribute to the cultural prosperity and internationalization of the local society.

Educational Goals

By maintaining a harmony between a liberal arts and specialized education, Iwate University aims for its graduates to have

  1. A liberal and tolerant disposition together with a rich education and common sense.
  2. Expertise supported by solid fundamental academic skills.
  3. Basic understanding of the various issues which mankind faces such as the environmental problem.
  4. An understanding of the community and understanding of the global society.
  5. The drive to inquire about the unknown and a strong sense of ethics.

Academic Goals

Building on our strong academic tradition, we hope to craft a more dynamic academic culture through

  1. The promotion of research in the areas of humanity, society and nature that focuses on the issues that mankind faces.
  2. Our efforts to produce in-ternationally-recognized, groundbreaking research.
  3. Original and advanced academic research.
  4. Pursuing new areas of research through collaboration with the local community

Goals of Community Outreach

Along with sharing the benefits of its research, Iwate University aims to contribute to the cultural prosperity of the local community and the development of an international society through the following activities :

  1. Increasing educational opportunities at the university for the local community.
  2. Taking part in the promotion of projects that will help the community.
  3. Providing opportunities for cultural exchange between the local and international community.

International Collaboration Strategies of Iwate University

Iwate University will promote international exchange and collaboration by planning and implementing international strategies in education, research and contribution to society in order to respond to rapid globalism. Period of Strategy: Approximately 10 years starting in 2012.


Through education and research, we will play a significant role in bridging local and international societies and in contributing to their sustainable development.


[Education] We will educate students to assume responsibility as world citizens and train them as leaders in the internationalization of local society.
[Research] We will promote leading research that has the distinctive characteristics of Iwate University.
[Contribution to Society] We will provide leading programs to deal with the globalization of local society.

International Collaboration Strategies

  1. We will develop the campus to improve understanding of globalization.
  2. We will prioritize collaboration with overseas universities to promote the acceptance of international students here and the reception of our students abroad.
  3. We will encourage students to improve their foreign language skills as tools for international communication.
  4. We will support faculty exchange abroad and improve the quality of research by promoting research in fields that have the distinctive characteristics of Iwate University.
  5. We will implement international collaboration among academia, industry, and government to contribute to the globalization of local society.
  6. We will prepare the necessary resources to realize the above-mentioned strategies.