Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

A faculty that can respond to local societal issues, including earthquake reconstruction and regional development

In FY 2016, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences was reorganized and now has two departments instead of four. We aim to foster talented personnel who can focus on local societal issues from the following three perspectives:

  • The ability to understand the various problems of modern society, which is undergoing great change, from a comprehensive perspective
  • Expertise and skills relating to people, culture, society, and the environment
  • The dynamism to notice for themselves issues in local and international society, and solve them

List of Departments, Programs, and Courses

Departments and Majors

Human Sciences and Cultural Studies

  • Studies in Behavioral Sciences
  • Studies in the Science of Sports
  • Studies in Modern Culture
  • Studies in Intercultural Community Management
  • Studies in History
  • Studies in Arts and Culture
  • Studies in English Language and its Cultures
  • Studies in European Languages and Cultures
  • Studies in Asian Cultures

Regional Policy

  • Studies in Law and Policy
  • Studies in Corporate Law
  • Studies in Regional Social Economy
  • Studies in Regional Community Liaison
  • Studies in Environmental Symbiosis

Faculty Information

Information on Departments, Programs, and Courses

Attached facilities (Japanese)